How to CONFIDENTLY Say YES to ANY WordPress Request!

I want to learn more about... vs - Which one is better?

Are you thinking of creating a website for your online business, but just can’t decide between or Or do you already have a website but are still unsure what's the difference between or

Well then this blog post is for you! Discover once and for all the difference that these three little letters can make to your website and the pros and cons of both platforms!

WordPress is one of the most popular website platforms in the world, powering millions of websites.

However, when people talk about "WordPress," they might be referring to two different things: or Although they share the same name, they are quite different.

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Making the wrong decision can be not just time-consuming, but also costly for your business.

So keep reading as I tell you once and for all what it really means to choose .com or .org because the difference that three little letters can make is crazy!

Before we talk about the main differences between them, I want to explain a term that comes up often when talking about

What Does Open Source Mean and Why Is It So Valuable?

Open source refers to a type of software whose source code is made available to the public. This means anyone can view, modify, and distribute the code as they see fit.

Unlike proprietary software, which is owned and controlled by a single company, open-source software encourages collaboration and transparency. Developers from all over the world can contribute to the software’s improvement, adding new features, fixing bugs, and enhancing security. This collaborative approach leads to a more robust and versatile product., being an open-source content management system, benefits immensely from this model.

Firstly, it provides unparalleled flexibility and customization. Users are not limited to pre-defined features and can tailor their websites to meet specific needs by modifying the code or adding custom plugins and themes. This is particularly valuable for businesses and developers who require unique functionalities that are not available in standard setups.

Secondly, the open-source nature of fosters an extremely active community. Thousands of developers contribute to the platform, ensuring it remains up-to-date with the latest web standards and security practices.

This means users benefit from regular updates and new features without additional costs. Moreover, the extensive community support, including forums, documentation, and tutorials, makes it easier for users to troubleshoot issues and learn how to make the most of the platform. vs

Now that we covered the open-source nature of and its value, let's delve into the specific differences between and

From hosting and domain names to themes and plugins, these two platforms offer distinct experiences that cater to different needs.

1. Web Hosting & Domain Names is self-hosted. This means that when you sign up for one of their plans, hosting is provided for you.

You don't need to worry about setting up or managing a server. This can be beneficial if you're looking for a hassle-free experience.

So if you visit you can set up a site in minutes for free and you don’t have to purchase a domain, as you'll be set up with a subdomain ( - note here that you won't be able to get your own domain name.

You also don't need to sign up for a hosting service because takes care of all that for you.

On the other side, we have, an open-source software, aka greater flexibility and customization.

And as it gives you all the flexibility, it also means you must arrange your own hosting.

This is actually a good thing, as it gives you full control over your site and its performance.

You can also decide what hosting works better for you and your business, and most hosting providers offer business plans that can accommodate growing websites and online stores.

So though is completely free, you need to purchase a domain name and host. There are a few ways to transfer your website to the hosting provider of your site if you've already built it somewhere else, but most hosting providers have a one-click WordPress install function and will happily help you set everything up.

2. Themes

Themes are pre-designed templates that determine the look and feel of your website. Both options offer themes, but there are a few differences.

With free plan, your choice of themes is limited to the ones in the WordPress repository. This isn’t all bad as the WordPress core themes can be a really good option. However, you cannot customize the existing themes or upload custom themes which isn’t ideal if you want to be able to personalize your site with custom edits.

It get's a bit better with paid plan, as premium users can customize the CSS of the theme and have access to some premium WordPress themes from the repository.

And if you go with a business subscription to, you can upload themes from third parties such as the Genesis & StudioPress.

On the flip side,having self hosted allows you to have FULL theme control.

The sky is the limit here - you have access to all the free themes in the WordPress repository as well as the freedom to use third party, free or premium themes, or even create a fully customized website from scratch.

Since is an open-source software, you can choose from thousands of free and premium themes available in the WordPress theme repository and from third-party developers.

You'll also have the ability to modify these themes extensively or even create your own custom themes if you have coding knowledge.

And if you don't, you can also use page builders, though they also have some limitations, they can help you build your website the way you want it. You can learn more about page builders in this blog post.

Having a website is particularly advantageous for businesses and developers who need a highly customized website to meet specific requirements. Whether you're running an online store, a blog, or a portfolio site, the extensive theme options available can help you achieve the exact look and functionality you desire.

3. Plugins

    Plugins are great to add more functionalities to your website. Find out more about plugins on this blog post.

    When you have a website, access to plugins is limited based on your plan.

    Plugins are nonexistent for free and premium users. You cannot upload any free, premium or custom plugins. The alternative is to use their ‘plugin-like’ features.

    The only way you can upload and use plugins on the platform is to purchase the business subscription which will allow you to upload third party plugins. Even then, the selection is curated, and while there are many useful plugins available, the range is not as extensive as on

    This can be a limitation if you need specialized functionality or advanced features that aren’t covered by the available plugins.

    When it comes to plugins, offers complete freedom.

    You can choose from thousands of plugins available in the WordPress Plugin Repository or purchase premium plugins from third-party developers.

    This extensive selection allows you to add virtually any functionality to your website, from SEO tools and social media integrations to advanced security features and e-commerce capabilities.

    Additionally, because is open-source, you have the flexibility to modify existing plugins or even develop your own custom plugins to meet your specific needs. This makes an ideal choice for those who need extensive and tailored functionality for their websites.

    Cost provides an all-in-one solution with pricing tiers that may be more cost-effective for users who prefer not to handle technical aspects. However, these plans can become more and more expensive as you upgrade to unlock additional features. offers a range of plans to suit different needs, starting with a free plan. Here’s a breakdown of the typical plans available:

      • Free Plan: Includes basic features and a subdomain (e.g., It’s ideal for personal blogs or small sites with limited needs but comes with ads and limited customization options.
      • Personal Plan: Removes ads, allows a custom domain, and provides basic customization options.
      • Premium Plan: This plan offers additional design tools, advanced customization options, and increased storage.
      • Business Plan: This plan includes all Premium features, plus the ability to install plugins and themes, advanced SEO tools, and more storage.
      • eCommerce Plan: This is their highest tier, and includes features for online stores, such as payment integration, shipping options, and premium eCommerce themes.

      You can find current prices and more details here., on the other hand, is free and offers more flexibility and complete control of your WordPress website.

      Though the platform is free, there are still costs associated with your website that you need to consider: is an overall better choice cost-wise, as you have more control of your site and the costs associated with it. It's totally possible to start small, and grow your website as your business grows.

      4. Monetization

      If you have a free site, monetization options are very limited. You cannot run ads or monetize your site directly. While users with high traffic (25,000+ monthly visitors) can apply for the WordAds program, it's important to note that takes a share of the advertising revenue. This can limit the earning potential for those using the free plan.

      If you upgrade to the Premium or Business plan on, you'll unlock more monetization opportunities. These plans allow you to integrate Google AdSense, enabling you to display ads on your site and earn revenue. 

      Additionally, the Business plan offers more flexibility with other monetization methods, such as selling products and services directly from your website, making it easier to generate income without the restrictions of the free plan.

      With a self-hosted site, you have complete freedom to monetize your website in any way you choose. 

      This includes displaying ads from any network, using affiliate links, and selling products or services directly. 

      The most significant advantage is that 100% of the revenue generated from your site remains with you. There are no platform fees or revenue sharing, giving you full control over your earnings and the ability to maximize your profit potential. 

      Whether you want to run a blog, an online store, or a membership site, provides the flexibility to implement and scale your monetization strategies effectively.

      5. Branding

      On the free plan, your site will display ads and include a 'Powered by WordPress' link in the footer. These elements are part of the platform's branding and can only be removed by upgrading to a paid plan.

      Premium users can remove ads, while Business plan users can also remove the 'Powered by' link, giving their site a more professional and personalized look.

      With a self-hosted site, you have complete branding freedom. You can choose to display ads or not, and you can remove the 'Powered by WordPress' link without any additional cost. T

      his level of control allows you to fully customize your site's appearance and branding to match your unique identity.

      6. SEO

      Free users on have limited control over their Search Engine Optimization (SEO). They cannot install powerful SEO plugins like Yoast SEO or use Google Analytics to gain insights into organic search rankings, which can hinder their ability to optimize their site effectively.

      Business plan users on can install plugins like Yoast SEO and Google Analytics, providing essential tools to improve search rankings and gain valuable insights into site performance. This access helps enhance their site's visibility and effectiveness in search engines.

      A self-hosted site offers ultimate control over SEO. You can install any SEO plugin you need to optimize your site and gain comprehensive insights into search performance. This flexibility allows for a tailored approach to improving search rankings and driving organic traffic.

      Check out this blog post if you want some tips on how to boost your site SEO from your contact page.

      7. Analytics

      The free plan on includes a built-in analytics tool, but its capabilities are limited compared to third-party options like Google Analytics. Users have restricted access to detailed performance insights, making it harder to optimize their site effectively.

      Upgrading to the Premium plan on allows users to install third-party analytics plugins, providing deeper insights into site performance. This access helps users better understand their audience and improve their site's effectiveness.

      With, you have the freedom to use any analytics plugins you choose. This means you can leverage powerful tools like Google Analytics to generate detailed reports and gain comprehensive insights into your site's performance, allowing for data-driven decision-making.

      8. eCommerce offers an eCommerce plan on its highest tier.

      This plan includes features for accepting payments in over 60 countries, integration with top shipping carriers, and premium design options for online stores. It provides a robust solution for building and managing an online store.

      Creating an online store with incurs no additional cost from WordPress itself. However, you will need to pay for a payment gateway and shipping solutions through third parties.

      9. Memberships

      On the Business and eCommerce plans, you can create membership sites with access to advanced controls and plugins.

      These plans support different membership levels, restricted content, and payment gateways, making it possible to manage a membership-based business.

      With, you can easily create and manage membership sites. The platform supports various plugins that allow for different subscription levels, restricted content, and payment gateways.

      This flexibility makes an excellent choice for building a customized membership site.

      10. Maintenance handles all maintenance tasks for you. This includes updates, backups, and security checks, allowing you to focus solely on your content without worrying about the technical aspects of running a website.

      Maintenance is the responsibility of the user on a self-hosted site.

      This includes keeping the WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date, as well as managing backups and security checks. However, opting for a fully managed hosting solution, such as FlyWheel, can alleviate these responsibilities, as the hosting provider will handle all maintenance tasks for you.

      Why Self-Hosted Is My Choice simply doesn’t compare to the capabilities of If you want to maximize the potential of this powerful Content Management System, the self-hosted platform is the way to go.

      • Freedom and Flexibility: software provides complete freedom. You can use any theme or plugin, monetize your site, and scale your online presence as your business grows. Whether you're creating a personal blog, an eCommerce store, or a business website, offers the flexibility to design and manage your site exactly how you envision it.
      • Cost-Effective: While the business subscription of costs around $300 per year, a self-hosted site can be much more cost-effective. You can find a good hosting provider for around $100/ per year and a custom domain name for about $10, you can enjoy the full benefits of without breaking the bank. This makes it a great option for small business owners and website owners looking to make the most out of their investment.
      • Customization and Control: The self-hosted platform allows you to install additional plugins and free plugins to enhance your site’s functionality. You also have the freedom to choose your hosting server and implement advanced security measures. This level of control is crucial for website creation and provides a superior user experience.
      • Monetization and Growth: With, you can integrate any ad network, set up an eCommerce store, or create a membership site. This flexibility is not fully available with, even on its premium plans. For website owners looking to grow their site and monetize their content, is the best choice.
      • Ease of Use and Support: Despite the need for some technical skills, the community and support available for make it accessible. From built-in features to extensive documentation and forums, users can find help and best practices to manage their sites effectively.

      In summary, choosing the right platform depends on your goals and needs. For those who want full control, customization, and a cost-effective solution, is the right choice. 

      It offers a self-hosted, flexible environment that empowers you to build, grow, and monetize your website in the long run. 

      So this is why is the best option for most websites, in my opinion.

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      About the Author:
      Some people look at the sky and see stars; others see constellations. Some people look at lines of code and see a website; Julia saw a path to empower women in building their dreams. As a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of location independence, Julia has taught over 3,600 women to say “YES” to any WordPress request, but not only that, “YES” to themselves, and “YES” to creating life on their own terms. Empowering women and seeing others succeed is the biggest motivator for Julia. And so, she created a program to teach others the skills that allowed her to take back control of her life and start living on her own terms.
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