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GeekPack® Partners

Bridging Digital Skills Gaps with GeekPack® Partners

Empowering women+ through digital skills and entrepreneurship training

Our innovative e-learning platform uniquely combines self-paced learning resources with in-house facilitation in a supportive, interactive learning environment.

We work with mission-driven organizations seeking to empower women and build thriving communities to deliver impactful skills training to create purpose-driven futures through digital transformation.

Digital skills training in a welcoming, inclusive, accessible environment allows more people to see themselves reflected, dream bigger, and build a stronger future.

Digital Skills Training in Supportive, Virtual Communities

Flexible, collaborative, and co-brandable programs with these core features:

  • Clear Learning Paths - built around relevant, in demand, marketable skills
  • Facilitated Live Cohorts  - real world application and contextualized learning supported by live demos and discussions
  • Dedicated community + interactive discussion area - group discussions, peer mentorship, support, and accountability
  • On-demand Video Content - self-paced video lessons to fit any schedule
  • Data Reporting - customizable tracking for engagement and outcomes

What sets us apart from other e-learning platforms is our live element, which includes topic-specific group cohorts led by the GeekPack team.

Learning with a group reduces isolation and overwhelm to make student retention and course completion significantly more likely than in any other e-learning environment

Partner with GeekPack

Why Digital Skills?

90% of all jobs require digital skills

- World Economic Forum

Digital skills encompass more than programming and coding skills. The future of work, the rise of AI and automation, and an increasingly globalized and remote workforce means the world is becoming more digitally oriented every day.

In our increasingly tech-enabled world, those who are digitally literate possess a stronger command over technical, managerial, and social skills.


“Adults are more likely to persist in their education when strong social supports are present, so programs that include mentoring will be more successful. As with all learning experiences, community counts. Learning tech skills shouldn’t be done in a vacuum.”
- Promoting Digital Literacy for Adult Learners

Adapting to in demand and changing technologies

  • Business Foundations
  • AI & Automation
  • Digital Marketing
  • Website Essentials
  • Cybersecurity
  • Business Digital Literacy

Our approach blends technical skills with 21st Century Skills like problem solving, critical thinking, empathy, digital communication and collaboration.

The skills we teach are no longer nice-to-haves; they are a critical component to business growth, economic success, and financial well-being

Partnerships for Greater Impact

Expanding training and reach beyond internal capacities

Who We Help

  • Women's Organizations
  • Economic Development Organizations
  • Entrepreneur Support Programs
  • Military Spouse Organizations
  • Corporate Social Impact and DEI Programs
  • Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)
  • Other mission-driven organizations

How We Help

  • Empower small business growth and sustainability
  • De-risk investments with business stability
  • Increase technology confidence and usage
  • Close the digital skills gap
  • Engage historically underserved, underrepresented, and underestimated communities
  • Build organizational capacity

Topics aligned with organizational goals and learners’ needs go beyond a one-size-fits-all approach for more targeted outcomes.

At a fraction of the cost of higher education and more efficient and feature rich than an e-learning subscription, GeekPack Partners delivers the skills to advance careers, build businesses, and achieve economic independence while freeing up our partners to focus on what they do best

Proudly Associated With

“I’m proud to be the first EDO [Economic Development Organization] to partner with GeekPack, but I know we won’t be the last… I know GeekPack’s mission aligns with hundreds, if not thousands, of EDOs across the country and worldwide.”
“This…opportunity aligns with Dress for Success’ mission to empower women to achieve economic independence. We are honored to partner with GeekPack.”
"Freelancers Union has worked with GeekPack Partners, leading 6 workshops for our freelance community on various tech/digital skills to help them grow their business. The workshops led by [the GeekPack team] were fantastic! They broke down topics which could be very overwhelming for some, into bite-size, easy to follow frameworks and guidelines. Many of our members gave high praise to Geekpack and were able to implement their training into their own day to day business. Couldn’t recommend them any more!"

Partner with GeekPack

We are on the cutting edge of an incredible global cultural shift in how, where, and why we work.

By working together, we can do so much more to help adult learners build skills, find community, and be their most successful selves.

Unlock the potential of your organization and community: let's talk.

Book an introductory call
GeekPack Partners


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