How to CONFIDENTLY Say YES to ANY WordPress Request!

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How To Confidently Pick the Best WordPress Themes For Your Websites

One of the best things about WordPress is there are thousands of options available for WordPress themes. On the other hand, it’s probably one of the most overwhelming things about WordPress, too. During the planning phase of your website, it’s important to narrow down the endless array of options for your theme so you don’t get stuck in your progress. Here are some ways you can confidently pick the best WordPress theme for your website.

Determine Your Goals

One of the biggest factors to consider when choosing your theme is what the purpose of your website will be. While all websites need to be mobile-responsive and user-friendly, not all themes are suitable for every type of website.

If you are a food blogger, you will want a theme that allows you to showcase your photography but also be able to accommodate more content in general. If you are a photographer, you will want a simple theme that won’t slow down your website while also having to load large pictures to showcase your portfolio. If you are a writer, you might want an entirely different theme to showcase your writing and not so much photo and video.

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Mobile Responsive Themes

Determining the goal of your website is crucial to narrowing down your theme options. Remember that a few of the most important factors in a website are mobile-responsiveness and loading time, so choose your theme wisely and make your website as user-friendly as possible. While you may love a theme, your audience who has to wait a while on your website to load might not.

Theme Budget

What is your start-up budget, and how much are you willing to spend on your website theme? All websites have a beginning, and it’s important to not compare your brand new website to a website that has gone through many different versions and has improved over the last five years. Your website can look professional, but it won’t be perfect. Even if you have very little to spend towards a web development budget, you can still have a polished website with a free website theme.

Your website will change, evolve, and grow as time goes on, and it’s important to remember that any theme you pick can always be changed later on. Other costs you will want to consider in this process include web hosting, plugins, tech support, and help with SEO. Try to avoid maxing out your budget on the theme alone, and see your website theme as a long-term investment versus a short-term purchase.

Free or Premium Themes?

Now that you have identified the goals of your website and the budget you can afford, it’s time to determine whether you can utilize a free theme to meet your goals, or if it will be necessary to pay for a premium theme.

Free themes can be limited in a variety of ways, but perhaps one of the most important limitations to consider is the lack of ongoing support. With premium themes, you will likely have access to technical support of some kind. If you are not comfortable with coding in the beginning stages of your website, it might be cost (and time) effective to consider paying for a premium theme. Remember, your theme can be changed at any point in time, but starting off with a theme that will eventually cost you more time and money in the long run isn’t the best decision to make for your brand new website.

Theme Originality

A second major factor in deciding which type of theme is right for you is originality. Free WordPress themes are used by thousands of people every day, so if standing out is important to you and to your brand, a free theme might not be the best decision. Premium themes are not entirely customized, but you will have the ability to customize the layout, colors, and graphics much more than with a free theme.

Pick the Best WordPress Theme for Your Website

Whether you choose a free theme or a premium theme for your new WordPress website, you’re sure to still have a beautiful and professionally designed website. Be sure to make any and all of your decisions based on what your goals are for your website and not what other websites look like.

Your website will change, evolve, and grow over time, so allow yourself time to discover what will ultimately be right for your website. Secondly, always keep your audience in mind above all else. Make sure it’s easy to navigate, easy to read, and most importantly, easy to view on mobile devices.

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About the Author:
Some people look at the sky and see stars; others see constellations. Some people look at lines of code and see a website; Julia saw a path to empower women in building their dreams. As a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of location independence, Julia has taught over 3,600 women to say “YES” to any WordPress request, but not only that, “YES” to themselves, and “YES” to creating life on their own terms. Empowering women and seeing others succeed is the biggest motivator for Julia. And so, she created a program to teach others the skills that allowed her to take back control of her life and start living on her own terms.
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