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5 Reasons Why Online Learning Is The Future Of Education

Picture the traditional path of higher education: it's time-consuming, expensive, and let's face it - not accessible to everyone. 

The juggling of studying, attending classes, and working part-time jobs to cover the exorbitant fees means we can’t all compete on equal footing.

But fortunately, this isn't the only route to take…

Enter, Online Learning.

The most cost-effective path to success…

Who Is Online Education For?

Online education is for everyone and anyone who has a desire to learn and grow. 

  • It's for the full-time mom who's always had an entrepreneurial spirit…
  • It’s for the young professional wanting to expand her horizons…
  • It’s for the ready-to-retire people who don’t want to stop…
  • Or for the worker aiming to adapt to the digital age. 

Digital education transcends barriers, making learning accessible for everyone, regardless of their age, location, or technical ability.

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Can I Learn Online Even Though I'm Not Techy?

If you're not tech-savvy, don't let that deter you from exploring digital education. 

The beauty of digital education lies in the diversity - it offers plenty of courses to suit various levels of technical ability.

There are numerous beginner-friendly courses that start with the basics, ensuring a comfortable and confident learning experience. 

The Advantages of Digital Education

Skills matter more than degrees, and I’m not the only one who thinks so…

LinkedIn CEO stated it himself: Skills, Not Degrees, Matter Most in Hiring.

And digital education is 100% capable of teaching hands-on online skills. And tech skills are, and will always be, super in-demand.

This education model takes away the obstacles we often find in the traditional path.

So let’s dive into the 5 reasons why online learning is the future of education.

1. You can fit your study time into your schedule

Instead of lengthy lectures with strict schedules, you can have interactive videos and digital resources. 

Instead of a fixed timetable, you can learn whenever and wherever suits you best. 

Unlike the traditional path, digital education provides a flexible learning experience that's as fast-paced or relaxed as you need it to be.

It allows you to learn at your own pace, in your preferred environment, and offers the freedom to revisit lessons as needed. 

2. It’s way more accessible than a college degree

What makes digital education even more appealing is its affordability.

With traditional education often carrying a hefty price tag, online learning provides a more economical alternative without compromising on quality. 

The final cost of a university degree in the US can be as high as $500,000. And on average, students spend $55,840 per academic year. 

It’s a LOT of money.

Especially when we talk about career change and pivoting. You don’t want to go through all the university processes and spend so much money again.

3. You can personalize your learning to what you actually need

With digital education, you can fully tailor your learning journey. You can focus on areas that align with your interests and career goals.

It offers enough flexibility that you can find a suitable course, no matter your level of ability.

People learn in different ways, and the traditional education system doesn’t offer a lot of variety or personalization when it comes to that.

By learning online you can mix-and-match, while you figure out what works best for you.

4. It’s the most cost-effective option

Online learning isn’t only ‘cheaper’

It’s cost-effective - you learn exactly what you need to learn, with no fluff, and as you need it.

You can get your ROI way faster as you can have plenty of time open in your calendar to actually put into practice what you’re learning - and get paid for it.

5. It’s Crisis-Proof

The global pandemic caused a huge education disruption in countries that didn’t have access to technological infrastructure.

And this is proof that we need to shift the way we see education and adapt to the digital age.

Digital learning ensures that education can continue even in moments of crisis, where attending classes is not an option. 

So, what’s the problem with online learning?

After all, if it’s so great - why isn’t it the norm?

The biggest issue with online education is the isolation. (But don’t get discouraged, it doesn’t have to be isolating!)

According to a recent report on Promoting Digital Literacy for Adult Learners, “adults are more likely to persist in their education when strong social supports are present, so programs that include mentoring will be more successful. As with all learning experiences, community counts. Learning tech skills shouldn’t be done in a vacuum.”

After all, how many times have you bought a course only to have it collect dust?

We need the accountability, support, and encouragement that comes with learning in a community. 

Community: The Heart of Digital Education

Digital education isn't just about learning—it's also about belonging. 

It's about joining a global community where everyone is on a journey to better themselves, to break barriers, to challenge norms. 

It's about mutual growth, shared experiences, and an exchange of skills. 

This is the heart of digital education—a community that empowers and uplifts.

And if you haven’t found your community just yet, I would love to invite you to check out The GeekPack Collective Membership and join us!

Grow a profitable business with The GeekPack Collective - a monthly membership where you'll learn the secret to being a booked out Tech VA, Tech Strategist or Marketing Maven.

Empowering Women in Tech with Digital Skills

Now, let's talk about women in tech. 

Despite the gender bias, the underrepresentation, and the stereotypes, we're making great progress and shattering the glass ceilings. 

We're learning new skills, changing our career paths, and claiming our seat at the table—and digital education is what makes it possible for so many women out there.

  • Women with busy schedules
  • Women who wouldn’t be able to afford a university education
  • Women who know their potential, even though they don’t fit in the ‘traditional box’

Which is why we are really passionate about getting more women into the tech world.

Building Your Career Toolbox

With real-world, practical projects often incorporated into online courses, you have the chance to apply your newly-acquired skills and build your portfolio. 

Moreover, the digital skills gained through online learning are highly valued in today's tech-driven world, opening up new career opportunities.

Digital education offers more than just learning—it offers empowerment. 

With the tools and skills gained through digital education, you'll be more than ready to navigate the ever-evolving career landscape. 

Every new skill you learn is a tool added to your career toolbox, empowering you to seize new opportunities and adapt to the future of work.

The Future of Education

The future of education is digital, and it's happening now. 

This shift isn't just about adapting to new technology—it's about redefining education. 

It's about making learning more accessible, flexible, and personalized. 

It's about empowering each individual to take control of their learning journey and ultimately, their future.

By embracing digital education, we're doing more than just learning—we're taking charge of our futures. 

We're pioneering a new era of education—one that values skills over degrees, flexibility over rigidity, and individual growth over standardized testing. 

Join our strong community of 37,000 women who are making their dreams a reality through empowering skills training.

And as I said, it doesn’t have to be lonely.

Join our FREE Facebook Community and take the first step toward the life you’ve always wanted! 

About the Author:
Some people look at the sky and see stars; others see constellations. Some people look at lines of code and see a website; Julia saw a path to empower women in building their dreams. As a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of location independence, Julia has taught over 3,600 women to say “YES” to any WordPress request, but not only that, “YES” to themselves, and “YES” to creating life on their own terms. Empowering women and seeing others succeed is the biggest motivator for Julia. And so, she created a program to teach others the skills that allowed her to take back control of her life and start living on her own terms.
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