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What Treasures Lie Inside the GeekPack Coding Camp for Kids?

If you’re a parent, you already know what a challenge it is to get your kids excited about something you know is valuable for their minds and their future. Whether it’s broccoli on their plate, a foreign language study program, or advanced math classes, motivating kids is hard work sometimes. They don’t have the same perspective we carry as adults. They don’t see things the same way we see them.

The GeekPack® Coding Camp for Kids is a curriculum I created with this in mind. I firmly believe that learning to code should be fun for everyone, but I also know that not all learning environments are created equal. The GeekPack® Coding Camp for Kids will teach your kids in-demand tech skills without sacrificing the fun and entertaining side of technology that they love.  

Kids Programming Using Scratch

Scratch is a fun, kid-friendly way to teach coding lessons to kids. Using drag-and-drop coding blocks like LEGO in place of writing out lines of code allows younger kids to create working computer programs in minutes. 

With our 5-day Scratch Challenge, your kids will independently code their very first program! By allowing them to create their own characters using code, your kids can let their imagination be their guide as they unlock their creativity and bring their characters to life.

From learning how to program movement and sounds to creating their first classic game, you’ll be amazed at how many in-demand tech skills your kids will learn -- all while using fun and entertainment as the power of persuasion.

HTML & CSS Coding Lessons for Kids

With the 5-Day Coding Challenge, your kids will begin to discover the magic of code! Lesson 1 will give your kids a basic introduction to code that won't have them screaming, "MOM! HELP!" every two seconds. Unlike a traditional coding school for kids, the 5-Day Coding Challenge will maximize your child’s coding skills without a hefty financial and time investment.

While I was creating the GeekPack® Coding Camp for Kids, I wanted a program suitable for all families, whether there was one child or ten siblings. With this in mind, there are two options for kids programming lessons: One that is suitable for all ages, and one for more advanced learners. 

Kids of all ages can focus on learning the fundamentals of HTML and CSS using CodePen, an online platform where kids can build and test their programs. For more advanced learners, the GeekPack® Coding Camp will teach them how to build a static, two-page website using HTML & CSS from scratch.

More Than Just a Coding School for Kids

While we know many parents want coding lessons for their kids to prepare them for their future, the GeekPack® Coding Camp goes a few steps further than traditional coding schools for kids. Unlike traditional classrooms with chalkboards and lectures, the GeekPack® Coding Camp engages your child’s imagination to build the in-demand skills we know they will need. In addition to the two weeks worth of challenges, your kids will also get hours of creating and coding bonus content to teach them exciting new skills!

The GeekPack® Coding Camp bonuses include:

  • Computer Aided Design: Three simple lessons on computer-aided design will introduce your kids to a whole new skill set. They'll be beaming with pride as they show off their awesome project that they completed independently!
  • Mobile App Development: Your kids will learn how to develop a mobile app (yes, that's right! And all without needing your assistance)! This is where tech skills and creativity meet to create a fully functioning app that your kids will love!
  • Graphic Design: Create two graphic design projects using photo editing software and let them get creative as they learn how to design posters, invitations and cards! They'll also learn how to create a personalized background for video chat with friends and family!
  • … and so much more!

The GeekPack® Coding Camp for Kids is more than just a coding school -- It lays the foundational understanding that creativity and learning can co-exist, paving the way for a brighter future in technology.

Coding Lessons for Kids 

What makes the GeekPack® Coding Camp better than other traditional coding lessons for kids?

  • No more scheduling conflicts and driving kids around town to coding classes. The GeekPack® Coding Camp for Kids is accessible on-demand, 24/7. Kids can work on the lessons anytime and anywhere.
  • No more tests, grading rubrics, or milestone deadlines. Kids can build on their skills over time, and take as much time as they need to go through the lessons. You have unlimited access to all the content. 
  • No more costly tuition, administrative fees, and other hidden costs. The GeekPack® Coding Camp for Kids is one set price, and it applies to the entire household. Whether you have one child or ten children, the price of the camp does not change.
  • No more worrying about losing your investment. We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee for the GeekPack® Coding Camp for Kids. If you aren’t blown away by the things your kids are able to create & code, or your kids aren’t beaming with pride and their confidence isn’t skyrocketing, you can get a full refund with no questions asked.

If you’re looking to enroll your kids in coding lessons so you can further their education and enhance their troubleshooting & problem-solving skills, the GeekPack® Create & Code Camp could be the perfect fit for your family!

About the Author:
Some people look at the sky and see stars; others see constellations. Some people look at lines of code and see a website; Julia saw a path to empower women in building their dreams. As a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of location independence, Julia has taught over 3,600 women to say “YES” to any WordPress request, but not only that, “YES” to themselves, and “YES” to creating life on their own terms. Empowering women and seeing others succeed is the biggest motivator for Julia. And so, she created a program to teach others the skills that allowed her to take back control of her life and start living on her own terms.
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