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Struggling with Discovery Calls? How to Maximize Your Impact and Find Your Perfect Clients

You’ve checked all the boxes, completed all of the modules, registered your official business name, grabbed the ideal social media handles, and now you’re ready to go as an official location-independent entrepreneur! For many people, planning is the easy part. Finding and handling clients, on the other hand, is a stress-inducing nightmare. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

Every entrepreneur is unique in their own special way, and the most powerful thing you can do for your business is to recognize and accept that your uniqueness, your talents, and your personality are NOT for every single potential client you meet. 

In order to have happy customers, repeat business, and avoid complete burnout, you need more than 8 hours of sleep and a gallon of water each day -- you need a surefire way to find the right clients for you and your business. One of those ways is a well-planned discovery call that works like a map, leading you towards your most ideal clients.

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What is a Discovery Call?

In short, a discovery call is like an interview for a prospective client. You can learn more about the client, their needs, their expectations, and determine if the partnership is right for your business. A discovery call is a very important part of your business for many reasons, but perhaps the most important reason is to avoid the wrong partnerships for your business. 

In order to build a business that serves you and your ideal lifestyle (and not the other way around!), repeat business and referrals from happy clients are a vital part of your success as a service provider. When your clients are consistently satisfied with your services, their satisfaction and happiness become the most marketable part of your business. 

The more time you spend ensuring your clients are satisfied, the less time you will spend marketing your business and trying to convince others to give you an opportunity. Your happy client testimonials will speak volumes for you and your business.

Without a focused, goal-oriented discovery call agenda, you run the risk of choosing a client and/or a project that is not the right fit for you, which jeopardizes your reputation as a service provider.

Discovery Call Questions 

When a prospective client requests a discovery call, don’t panic! You can download our FREE PDF checklist with 148 discovery call questions to help you determine if a prospective client is right for you.  

It’s important to always remember that while a discovery call is a vital opportunity to discover more about a prospective client, the focus should always be more on the client than it is on your business. Remember to always use active listening skills instead of waiting for your turn to speak. Your prospective client will feel more comfortable opening up, and in turn, you will learn far more about them than you probably anticipated.  

By asking clear-cut questions during the discovery call with the purpose of making your prospective client the “star” of the call, you can ensure open dialogue and greater transparency from your meeting. 

Discovery Call Template 

Within our FREE discovery call PDF, you will find 12 categories of questions you can choose from, which include topics such as:

  • Background information
  • Project goals
  • Competitors
  • Branding
  • Design

By choosing just a question or two from each category, you will be able to craft a detailed discovery call agenda. During the discovery call, this will help you can learn a wide range of knowledge about the client and the scope of the project without overwhelming them. 

You can use the 148 discovery call questions to put together a discovery call template that you can use time and time again to conduct professional discovery calls. 

But before you launch into discovery calls with potential clients, you need to determine your own goals and desires for your business. Spend time discovering your own business needs and desires, and ask yourself these questions first:

  • What are the most important factors that will help you determine if a prospective client is right for you? 
  • What personality traits are easiest for you to work with, and what personality traits do you need to avoid? 
  • What size project are you most comfortable with, and what is the scope?
  • What is the minimum price range you will consider for your work?
  • What is your schedule and what time frame are you available to work with?

When you determine what questions to ask your prospective client, determine what answers will work for you, and what answers will not. 

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to let a potential client know that your partnership would not be the best fit, and offer to refer them to another service provider. Remember that a mismatched client can cost you much more in the long run than your business can afford.  

FREE DOWNLOAD - 148 Questions Guaranteed to Help You Gain Clarity, Confidence, & Courage on Your Next Discovery Call

If the butterflies in your stomach are taking over your discovery calls, download our FREE PDF to help you overcome your fears, clarify your conversation, and land your next client (perfect for phone calls, video chats, DM's, email & even in-person meetings)!

PLUS get a BONUS step-by-step checklist to go from the initial discovery call to onboarding, to building the website, all the way to offboarding!

About the Author:
Some people look at the sky and see stars; others see constellations. Some people look at lines of code and see a website; Julia saw a path to empower women in building their dreams. As a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of location independence, Julia has taught over 3,600 women to say “YES” to any WordPress request, but not only that, “YES” to themselves, and “YES” to creating life on their own terms. Empowering women and seeing others succeed is the biggest motivator for Julia. And so, she created a program to teach others the skills that allowed her to take back control of her life and start living on her own terms.
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