How to CONFIDENTLY Say YES to ANY WordPress Request!

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Craving Location Independence? Becoming a Working Nomad is Easier Than You Think

In 2021, we’ve seen tremendous growth, shifts, and changes in the US economy like never before. Between a skyrocketing real estate market, record-high inflation, and millions of people leaving their jobs, sometimes it seems as though there are no certainties anymore. If you’re like millions of others, you might have the desire to shift your lifestyle, too. The good news is, there is no better time than now to jumpstart your career as a location independent digital nomad. Here are 5 things you need to get started in your journey.

1. Clarify The Vision Your Location Independent Business 

Before you turn in your two-week notice and make a dramatic change in your lifestyle, it’s important to first clearly identify your “Why.” Why are you leaving your current job to start a location independent business? What specific factors are leading you to make this decision?

Inevitably, you will reach a point in your journey when you begin to question your decision, and it’s important to have a reminder from yourself of what those reasons are. 

Consider writing a letter to your future self, explaining why you have made the decision to start a location independent business and become a digital nomad, and what you hope to achieve as a result of your current decisions. It will help ground you in the weeks and months to come when you reach the first obstacles in your journey.  

2. Establishing Location Independent Income 

Secondly, it’s important to define exactly what your boundaries are as a digital nomad. What hours do you want to work and how much will you charge, and what hours, days, or weeks will you not compromise? Working as a freelancer has many benefits, but just as it is with a regular full-time job, you will want to establish when your personal time off will be. Ask yourself questions to determine what schedule works best for you, such as:

  • How many days a week do I want to work?
  • How many hours per day will I be available, and what are those hours?
  • What holidays do I not want to work?
  • When do I want my vacation weeks to be? 
  • What is my main source of location independent income?

As a digital nomad, you are the sole decision-maker when it comes to your availability, schedule, and income, and you will want to ensure you avoid burnout in your new lifestyle. It will take time to get out of the 9-to-5 mindset, so give yourself plenty of grace, prioritize your self-care, and set your boundaries accordingly.  

3. Finding Location Independent Jobs 

Now that you’ve determined your availability and boundaries around your work schedule, it’s time to market your professional skills and find potential clients. If you’re starting from scratch and you don’t know where to begin, ask yourself what your passions are. 

Are you highly organized and love helping others manage their time and resources? Consider becoming a project manager, a virtual assistant, or an online business manager. Do you have artistic vision or experience in a creative field? Elevate your talents as a Graphic Designer, Brand Creative, or Website Designer. Do you love putting puzzles together and handling detailed work in STEM areas? Pursue your natural gifts as a Bookkeeper, Web Developer, or a Tech Virtual Assistant. 

4. Boost Your Confidence

If you’re feeling the crush of imposter syndrome, I have great news for you -- Experiencing imposter syndrome means you care about your work, you deeply value your potential clients, and you want to be the very best at what you do. Level up your confidence and expand your education if it helps you feel more professional to your potential clients. There are many courses, certifications, and education resources all across the internet, and many of them are free to try if you aren’t sure which path is right for you. 

Because I believe absolutely anyone can learn how to code, you can sign up for our FREE 5-day coding challenge where you can learn how to build a 2-page website entirely from scratch! Learning to code is so empowering! Knowing how to troubleshoot and problem-solve will give you a confidence boost link nothing else can! 

5. Find Your Community

Of all the educational resources available on the internet, the most powerful resource is an encouraging, supportive community that will help you navigate through the tough waters you will encounter as a digital nomad. Whether it’s self-doubt, finding potential clients, losing out on potential job opportunities, or even feelings of overwhelm, loneliness, and doubt, a supportive community is a must-have for any location independent digital nomad. 

Join our strong community of 37,000 women who are making their dreams a reality through empowering skills training.

Digital nomads are dreamers by nature -- they want adventure, freedom, and plenty of space (and time!) to explore. If you’re craving the digital nomad lifestyle, you can likely describe in great detail what you would do every day if you were location independent. But if you’re still stuck on how to choose the right path for your journey, join our FREE Facebook Community, Screw the Commute, for weekly remote job postings, weekly live coaching, support, and encouragement from fellow freedom-seekers.

About the Author:
Some people look at the sky and see stars; others see constellations. Some people look at lines of code and see a website; Julia saw a path to empower women in building their dreams. As a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of location independence, Julia has taught over 3,600 women to say “YES” to any WordPress request, but not only that, “YES” to themselves, and “YES” to creating life on their own terms. Empowering women and seeing others succeed is the biggest motivator for Julia. And so, she created a program to teach others the skills that allowed her to take back control of her life and start living on her own terms.
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