Amplify Your Impact With GeekPack!

Happy Students

What Our Students Have to Say...

So grateful to be a part of this extremely empowering,
extremely authentic and extremely motivating group of individuals.

I have been so busy building online presences for all my clients, I still have yet to build my own. One thing I have built for myself is my confidence level as a business owner, a web developer/designer and a digital marketer.

And it's all due to the support of this group and it's truly genuine creator.
~ Casey Volk
Read Casey's case study here.
I love seeing all the success in this group, it makes my day!
I wanted to give a little update about my business.

Since I started Julia’s course in March 2020, I quit my job in November 2020 and am about to hit my first $10k month!! ($7491 in websites). This group has changed my LIFE!! Now, I get to help agriculture business owners change their busi ness/life by taking their marketing to the next level.
~ Aly Robins
Read Aly's case study here.
I am making enough of an income as a WordPress developer to support my family
I just want to share with you that exactly one year ago today, I registered my freelance business, six months after I started WP Rockstar. So it is my first business anniversary.
Others in this group have become financially secure faster than me, and others will take longer than me. It doesn't matter at the end, you will make it happen if you try your best.
~ Hacer Yilmaz
I joined WP Rockstar® + GeekPack® and knew IMMEDIATELY I’d found my tribe.
In less than 2 weeks I landed my first client (after changing my title on Instagram to ‘WordPress Developer’...which scared the bejesus out of me) and 1 week later I made back my full investment in the program! 

The GeekPack® Community is worth its weight in gold.  I would have paid three times what I did for just the community support… it’s been the most invaluable piece of the whole program. If you’re on the fence, just do it!

Life is too short. It will be the best money you ever spend. Julia and her team are absolutely fantastic!”
~ Jenn Gustafson

You have so much potential inside of you, as do these happy students... 

listen to their stories

Joining GeekPack® changed our business and our lives!
 We now go forward with confidence in everything we have learned in GeekPack® trainings, knowing we have the GeekPack® Team behind us, AND a supportive group of other Geekers just waiting to help and celebrate in everything we do. 

Our business has more than doubled!! We will never be able to thank Julia or the GeekPack® enough for the way our business is growing everyday!
~ Nancy Friday & Missi Amos Hatfield
I can only feel nothing but gratefulness
for the timing of things and most importantly to everybody here, for always being very helpful and generous of your knowledge. 

Sometimes it can get overwhelming, especially when excitement is on overdrive. But knowing that we have solid support here in this group, makes it all feel alright. 

You guys are Rockstars and I draw my inspiration from all of you! 
~ Czarina Danielle Yap
Check out what
these students have
to say...
AND these too...
Learn More About WP Rockstar + GeekPack®
I got back my investment in WP Rockstar® + GeekPack® in less than 6 weeks 
by following the advice from one of the guest experts in the Expert Content Vault taught… my first client I charged $700 and 2 weeks later I charged my second client $850. I remember my third client because I said to myself “I’m gonna be daring... I’m gonna charge her $1,997" and she agreed! 

The GeekPack® Community makes me feel supported, loved, cared for... you name it! They surround you with encouragement. 

I would highly recommend WP Rockstar + GeekPack® a thousand times over because it’s such a very special program and I like the way Julia empowers females.
~ Lindah Mavave
Every month I feel like I hit a new milestone!
Just sent a proposal for my first project over $2500.

It's quite amazing! I am so thankful for this group and the GeekPack® team. Seriously, I am forever grateful that I stumbled across this group!

My goal was to quit my full-time office job in 2 years… Now look at me!
~ Erin Marie Jenkins
Read Erin's case study here.

Still not sure?

I don't know how to code
Will I find clients?
Can I really do this?
I don't want to do it alone

I just wanted to share three things that I've coded in a website rather than using a plugin and I'm super happy about this. A sticky scroll back to the top - arrow, Twitter feed in the footer of the site, Social share buttons on every post. Don't mind me Geeking!

Hacer Yilmaz

I had worked with websites before BUT Julia's classes are step-by-step. She walks you through it easily via video and those are transcribed as well. PLUS the Rockstar community is so awesome, that if you have any questions they help out almost immediately. Julia's program is, by far, the best program I've seen. She's always adding content and value, the information is up-to-date (or close - tech changes daily) and the community is by far the best one I've been in. Go for it, you can do it!

Kim Parkinson

Finished all the Underscores modules in one night! Loved it! That basic coding is what made me fall in love with tech.

Jenn Gustafson

I am so proud of myself. I have tried to figure it out forever. Thanks for the helpful tip to get started. I have tried to figure it out forever. Thanks for the helpful tip to get started. I love this group; I have learned so much. You guys rock.

Chasity Michelle Smith Rainey

I'm so grateful to the WPRockstar course and Julia Taylor for teaching us how to build a site from scratch. If it wasn't for that part of the course, I'd be lost making customizations to pages on Shopify (so much html needed)!

Sarah Kornblum

I did a few exploratory changes in my own website then uploaded all the bits from the additional css box as well. And it didn't break, fall down, throw a tantrum or blow up!

Susan Escott

The technical back end stuff is the most intimidating part of all of this for me but I was so excited to be able to figure it out.

Christen Garland

I’m running a little behind… but dude! I never in a bazillion years thought I could do this -BUT I TOTALLY AM DOING IT!

Ashley Steelman

*Runs in…* Hi, I’m new here!
I just wanted to say, I signed up to WP Rockstar this weekend, spent yesterday afternoon doing the 5 day coding challenge (which I LOVED), and today a client has asked me to change something on a page, which I discovered is custom coded, and I knew what to do! Winning! *Runs out…*

Kelly Kemp

#shoutout to Julia and the GeekPack team for packing the membership area with so much useful content! If you are like me (up until about 30 minutes ago) and haven’t take the time to really explore all there is to offer, especially in the Finding Clients and Expert Content areas, yet – do yourself a favor and do it this weekend! I feel much more confident about getting out there now that I’ve seen all of the resources that are available in one easy-to-use area.

Kim Corts

6 months ago I know NOTHING about coding. I built my first site using a page builder for my business as a VA (I did 90 day VA too) and thought ooh this is fun started looking into it a bit more and slowly slowly started teaching myself but really wasn’t getting far. I signed up to WP rockstar at the end of May/early June and I’ve learnt so much! I’d say 80% of my work now is Web development, building sites, updating sites, tech support etc. My skills have expanded massively since I joined and I’m now in a position where I can say yes to any request. And still I think back to 6 months ago and I didn’t have a clue! Many people in the group have no tech background and they are smashing through the course. Julia’s a great teacher but on top of that you’ve got the GeekPack Community there helping you, answering questions and giving guidance. I’d recommend anyone and everyone to sign up. It’s amaaaaaazzinnng!!!

Shannon Payne

I have found MY FIRST $500 CLIENT! Thank you for all the support and encouragement GeekPack!

Hacer Yilmaz

...he messaged me for a quote on building a website. This morning he said yes! You never know where business can come from!

Marty Kendrick McIntyre

After negotiating and the holidays, my client and I signed the contract and I now have my very first client!!!!...This paid for my GeekPack WP Rockstar purchase... Just wanted to share that it wouldn't have been possible without the encouragement of the GeekPack crew. Thanks everyone!

Rachel Knutson

OMG! Sent out the generic Google My Business announcement yesterday to some local friends. Before I even had my coffee this AM, I received the, "How much would you charge to redo a Google sites website? Hourly or flat-rate?"

Marty Kendrick McIntyre

So I just wanted to share another win... I just signed another BIG client (3rd one in a month). I have now more than doubled my income from my 9-5 (which I quit JUST last month). AND I have fallen in love with building websites and helping others. Again, I have only labeled myself a web developer for less than two months. (WHAT!?)
I really don't want to sound like I am bragging on myself because I AM NOT! I want to brag on Julia Taylor, Beth Taylor, Shannon Wynn and all the amazing people in this group. You guys are the real deal, and I will be forever grateful for how you have completely changed my world... my family's world...
All I did was follow what Julia teaches and has shared from the expert interviews, and obviously needing to rely on help of those in the group.

Erin Marie Jenkins

I'm pinching myself!!!! I just booked a client retainer for web builds & maintenance contract, we started our arrangement for 6 months. First BOOKED client and getting a retainer as my FIRST client feels AWESOME!!! Thank you for all of support in this group and members. Julia Taylor thank you for this program. Now, back to building my site...

Kimberly True

Celebrating a new win this morning. Talking to a business colleague last night and sharing what new stuff we are up to and mentioned I am now taking on more websites... landed a gig redoing their agency's site and will be their go to for their clients site work.

Diane Webb

I got a friend I am creating his restaurant biz site this week. With this group I feel confident I can do this.

Chasity Michelle Smith Rainey

I just got the email that the company wants to hire me!

Susan Blair Craigo

I thought I needed to know everything before I started. Then Julia Taylor told me to just get on with working!! I now have 2 paying clients and am so much more chilled, just go for it!

Emma Barrett

I have my first client zoom in an hour to go over the form I sent him last night... I know I've got this. You guys are AWESOME! Wish me luck!

Caroline Elizabeth Dixon

Wow... I just sent three contracts out this morning! That has never happened before in my life.

Amanda Lane

I landed a client yesterday! That is 4 clients this month for me, at $2,497 per website! I can’t believe it!!!

Aly Robins

Hello there dear GeekPack friends !
I just want to share with you that exactly one year ago today, I registered my freelance business, six months after I started WP Rockstar. So it is my first business anniversary
And it has taken me some time, but I realized also that as of this month I can happily say that I am making enough of an income as a WordPress developer to support my family.
Others in this group have become financially secure faster than me, and others will take longer than me. It doesn’t matter at the end, you will make it happen if you try your best.

Hacer Yilmaz

Julia, you’ve done it again! I saw your post about WebMistress and created a quick Canva. Posted it to my IG and FB and within minutes, had someone reach out that they never knew I did websites and I have a discovery call lined up already! THANK YOU! I just want you to know, you are the ULTIMATE ROCKSTAR! Giant Virtual Hugs for you and the rest of GeekPack!

Kim Parkinson

I had worked with websites before BUT Julia's classes are step-by-step. She walks you through it easily via video and those are transcribed as well. PLUS the Rockstar community is so awesome, that if you have any questions they help out almost immediately. Julia's program is, by far, the best program I've seen. She's always adding content and value, the information is up-to-date (or close - tech changes daily) and the community is by far the best one I've been in. Go for it, you can do it!

Kim Parkinson

Finished all the Underscores modules in one night! Loved it! That basic coding is what made me fall in love with tech.

Jenn Gustafson

Smashed a goal!!! After taking the Goal Setting Master Class last summer, I set the goal of reaching $5000 in revenue in one month by the end of 2020. Well, I CRUSHED IT! Thanks to Julia's guidance breaking down my goals into achievable steps, I realized it was possible. Now maintaining it will be the new goal!

Erin Marie Jenkins

I have gained so much more confidence since joining, but still not where I need to be. I love coding!

Chasity Michelle Smith Rainey

So grateful to be a part of this extremely empowering, extremely authentic and extremely motivating group of individuals.
I have been so busy building online presences for all my clients, I still have yet to build my own. One thing I have built for my self is my confidence level as a business owner, a web developer/designer and a digital marketer. And it’s all due to the support of this group and it’s truly genuine creator.

Casey Volk

Guys, I got caught up in learning all about coding and lost my way. My goal is to have my site from scratch done in a week. I understand HTML, CSS and PHP much better now. That has made a difference. So I am reaching out to let you know I am back on track. Thanks to Julia and the GeekPack team for giving me the confidence to get this done. I love GEEKPACK!

Chasity Michelle Smith Rainey

First, of course, is a huge “Thank You” to Julia and all the members of GeekPack. You are all Rockstars! I’ve never doubted my ability to design and code, but I struggle with the belief that this time I can make good money doing it. Years ago I created and managed some amazing websites, mostly for starving artists, struggling museums, and non-profits. Categories I was intimately familiar with. I knew going into it this time that what I truly need to learn is how to be successful in this field. When I discovered GeekPack I knew I finally had a chance.

Epaul Fischer

I went with the whole WP RockStar and have gotten back 10X’s the value! I now know where to look and how to use CSS. The 5-day challenge showed me there is a lot to learn so by doing the WP Rock star I got all the tools to learn PLUS the Geek Pack FB Page where I go ALL the time when I need help and I ALWAYS get it!! Do it. You wont be sorry!!

Missi Amos Hatfield

I spent hours today on two separate issues on the same website for my first client. I squashed those issues head on! You guys…..with your motivation and willpower with your troubleshooting issue posts…it really helped boost my self-confidence!

Amanda Lane

Big thank you to all of you!! If it wasn’t for GeekPack lighting a fire under my butt, I wouldn’t have an amazing business! Much love!!

Amanda Lane

And I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH about the GeekPack FB page. When I have a question lik "I am having a problem with the CSS code for..." I get an answer within MINUTES! Saves me HOURS and HOURS of time (and I learn) and we all know time is money.

Missi Amos Hatfield

Feeling super appreciated!! Thank you also GeekPack for supporting me when I needed help with this website.

Hacer Yilmaz

When I log onto Facebook in the morning GeekPack is the FIRST place I go!! I know my morning is going to start with a wonderful community of hard workers who help and encourage one another. ROCK ON GEEKPACK!! YOU RULE!!!

Missi Amos Hatfield

I had worked with websites before BUT Julia's classes are step-by-step. She walks you through it easily via video and those are transcribed as well. PLUS the Rockstar community is so awesome, that if you have any questions they help out almost immediately. Julia's program is, by far, the best program I've seen. She's always adding content and value, the information is up-to-date (or close - tech changes daily) and the community is by far the best one I've been in. Go for it, you can do it!

Kim Parkinson

After negotiating and the holidays, my client and I signed the contract and I now have my very first client!!!!...This paid for my GeekPack WP Rockstar purchase... Just wanted to share that it wouldn't have been possible without the encouragement of the GeekPack crew. Thanks everyone!

Rachel Knutson

That's why GeekPack is fabulous! The love and support is wonderful and non-judgemental.

Sarah Kornblum

I DO know what I'm doing because of this course!! I will get back on track and keep on learning. This group and this team is a God send!! Thank all y'all for all the amazing help!!!

LoriDawn Messuri

That's why GeekPack is fabulous! The love and support is wonderful and non-judgemental.

Sarah Kornblum

Agreed, this is completely worth it. This group is so extremely valuable!!!

Erin Shoemaker

So glad to see that this is such an inclusive environment supporting those asking the basic as well as advanced questions.

Emily Cieciura

I’m so glad I was able to help. And I’m tickled that I was able to give to GeekPack so early in my run. The main reason I chose the WP Rockstar course over all the other “learn WP” courses out there was because of GeekPack. I did this job once before with no one to turn to in times of need, most particularly those “it’s the middle of the night and the deadline is barreling down and I think I know what I’m doing but the computer seems to disagree” moments. Being a part of the GeekPack really makes me believe that not only can I do this, but this time I can make the kind of money I’m worth while doing it.

Epaul Fischer

I am so thrilled that I found this community and GeekWeek!! I feel like I found my tribe!! I’ve been in another community that went along with the coding classes I’ve been taking and while I’m learning a lot I haven’t felt connected to the community side. So this is a much needed breath of fresh air!!

Jenn Gustafson

I love checking in here daily and helping you wonderful people out. I think back to when I first started out in the industry, there wasn’t a group like this to learn from, get support from, be empowered by. In fact there was a lot of the opposite, developers telling you that you aren’t worthy to call yourself a website developer unless you learn their aging proprietary languages for 3+ years. Don’t let anyone tell you what you cannot do, use their words to power your engine. I wish I had a group like this with selfless, thoughtful mentors back then. My agency would probably be lightyears ahead of where it is.

Tim Liversage
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