How to CONFIDENTLY Say YES to ANY WordPress Request!

Case Study: Kelly Jackson

Learning to Code Gave Kelly Confidence to Say Yes to More Techy Jobs!

Kelly Jackson

Earned back her investment many times over, before even finishing the course

“I was learning the skills, but beyond that, having the community was huge because I knew if there's something comes across my desk that I just can't figure out, I could find someone to help me in WP Rockstar. And having that in my back pocket was what I needed to step forward and really start putting myself out there. It made me feel more confident to say that I could do the things that I only thought I could do.”

Before WP Rockstar, Kelly was already working online and building websites with ClickFunnels. She had worked with WordPress a little but felt quite intimidated by it. She knew it was a more flexible content management system and that she wanted to go in that direction, but wasn’t sure where to start.

When she found out about GeekPack® and WP Rockstar, it seemed like a natural transition to up her website skills and start working with WordPress.

Kelly had zero tech experience prior to this, and her background is in biology. By starting the course she felt way more confident to charge for her services.

I felt much more comfortable actually charging for my services because before that, I mean, imposter syndrome is like a beast to overcome, especially if you're new to this world.”

She also felt more comfortable saying yes to new requests as she knew she had the Rockstar community to help. Kelly would always feel nervous in tech groups as they are not usually welcoming to newbies. 

“Those groups can be brutal. I feel like the people that go to school for this stuff are just really tough on the people that aren’t classically trained. And as someone who's taking these courses online on my own, I just felt so nervous to speak out and only to get slammed.”

Since taking the course Kelly’s earned back her investment many times over. Because of the coding knowledge she got from the course, she could take on jobs not only on WordPress, but also customizing websites on other platforms. 

“I earned back my investment in GeekPack® and WP Rockstar while I was still taking the course. Actually, before I even finished it.”

Kelly’s always felt intimidated by coding, and started working with ClickFunnels specifically because it was a “no coding required” platform. But that meant she was quite limited with what it could do.

“But then you get into it and you're so limited with what you can do with no coding. You're boxed in to what they let you do.”

She used to do more design work, but after taking the course Kelly found out she actually really enjoys the troubleshooting and more “techy” side of creating websites. She now wants to expand into website optimization and maintenance.

Her advice to anyone who’s not sure about joining GeekPack® and WP Rockstar is to do the free coding challenge first and see how you feel about it.

“And if you enjoy that, then I mean, there's really nothing to lose by signing up for GeekPack®. You get so much out of it besides just the coding and learning about WordPress and the backend, all the premium themes that you get and then all of the expert content, it's just I mean, it's unbelievable. It's absolutely worth the investment.”

We are SO happy to have Kelly as a member of our community and can’t wait to see what her future holds.

If you, like Kelly, would love to take on more techy challenges, we’d also love to support you through this journey!

The Ultimate Training for Website Building (a la WordPress) + Community + Business Badassery for The Next Generation of Geeks (even if you suck at math and tech, or think you’re too old)


Before I joined WP Rockstar and GeekPack®, I had been kind of dabbling a little bit in some design, but it was mostly Clickfunnels, which was fine. But through that I had started doing kind of free redesigns for people and I had one person who had a WordPress website which I had done a little bit of WordPress work years ago, like really just stumbled through it. I didn't have any idea what I was doing, but so I was nervous to do hers. But she had elementor which I had never used before. And so I did that and found that I really, really liked the flexibility of WordPress. But I was also like really kind of intimidated by WordPress in general because it's, it's a little bit different. It's just a lot to it, right? There's a lot you could do to with it. And it was just kind of hard to I was nervous to kind of get get into that door, even though I knew that's where I wanted to go, which is when then I saw the ad and I was like, Oh, say yes to any WordPress request, that sounds great. And so it just kind of was a natural transition for me.  

What actions did you take as a result of taking the WP Rockstar program and being a part of the GeekPack® community?

So after I started WP Rockstar and after I joined the GeekPack® community, I felt much more comfortable actually charging for my services because before that, I mean, I still imposter syndrome is like a beast sometimes to overcome and especially if you're kind of new to this world. Like, I had no tech experience really. And my background is in biology. That's what I spent 15 years doing in the corporate world, you know? And it was just like kind of a fluke. I sort of sort of started stumbling into this, but I just I didn't have any, like, confidence in myself, really. And I felt really nervous charging people money to do these things. And so once I started doing the course, besides have learned, I mean, the course has so much information, it's wonderful. It just has everything you could possibly think of, I feel like. So I was learning the skills. But beyond that, having the community was huge because I was like, I know if there's something that comes across my desk that I just can't figure out that I could find someone to help me in GeekPack® and that like having that kind of in my back pocket was what I needed to step forward and like really kind of start putting myself out there and feeling more confident to say that I could do the things that I thought I could do, you know? But I just before that, I was just it was just me. Like, I really felt, like, alone and not very comfortable speaking up in a lot of the other sort of design and development groups out there. So having GeekPack® back and knowing that I could ask like the silly questions without being nervous about it was huge. Those groups can be brutal. And as someone like me who, like I didn't go, I feel like the people that go to school for this stuff are just like they're really rough on the people that aren't, like, classically trained, you know? And so it was as someone who's sort of being self taught in a way and taking these courses online on my own, I just felt like so nervous to like speak out and just get slammed.  

Have you earned back an investment in WP Rockstar?

And yes, I've earned back my investment many times over it since I since I took the course last year.  

How long did it take you to earn back your investment?

I earned back my investment in GeekPack® and WP Rockstar while I was still taking the course. Actually, before I even finished it, I don't remember exactly why I was probably halfway through, probably in module six, because that's a big one. When I had a client that needed, I was still kind of working in Clickfunnels because that's sort of where I that's the community. I had kind of been in. So it was a Clickfunnels, but I was able to do so much more with her funnel because of the coding that I'd learned through WP Rockstar because even though it's not exactly the same as WordPress, right, but it's just just having the confidence to play around with that stuff and knowing where to put it and what these things did, it just helped. So much. And that was actually my first paid design project was while I was taking WP Rockstar.  

Do you feel supported when going through WP Rockstar and these are the at community?

Yeah, I feel supported with WP Rockstar and GeekPack® more than any other course that I've taken. I feel like and not to say I haven't taken some great courses, but it's just second to none, like the support that you get here and the community that she's fostered. Like, you know, just zero tolerance for, like I said, some of those sort of snarky comments that you might get in other groups and things like that, especially in this industry and this kind of space online. So yeah, the support is unlike anything I've I've experienced before.  

Did you feel intimidated by coding before joining WP Rockstar?

Yes. So before I joined WP Rockstar and GeekPack®, I was super intimidated by even the word coding. I didn't know anything. I mean, like I said, I had started with Clickfunnels specifically the reason I started in Clickfunnels because they're very big in that. I mean there's so many now, no code needed, no coding required, blah blah. But then you get into it and you're so limited with what you can do with no coding that you're just like boxed in to what they kind of let you do. And I learned very quickly that I was like, I'm not I don't I'm not comfortable. Like, I want to do more. But I was so scared. Like, I you know, I could take a code snippet that someone gave me that someone else wrote and they said, okay, Kelly, take this. Go here, place it here and save it. And like that, I could do, right? But I was like, the idea of coding was so intimidating to me because you're made to believe that it is this hugely complex thing and it is like a new language essentially. But I mean, it's you can learn it, you know, and it's just naturally you feel so intimidated by techie things. And these all these like the computer stuff and that. Yeah, I was very intimidated by coding. I couldn't believe once I started to take the course how much I could actually do. And then to take that and turn around and actually use it on Clickfunnels to make it look the way I wanted, it was awesome.  

What are your future plans?

So my future plans now are I've been doing mostly design work, but I had started doing maintenance plans a little bit and find that I actually really like the maintenance work, which wasn't even really on my radar to start with. But we have that module in there, maintenance and malware removal and all that stuff, right? This, like I said, the course has kind of everything that I found that I actually kind of enjoy the troubleshooting side of things. And so I'm actually in the process of, of kind of shifting my business to be more toward website optimization and maintenance. So I'm creating, I have created, I just haven't really put it out there yet, but I've created like a VIP day sort of thing specifically for website optimization. And then I've revamped my maintenance plans to include a little bit more as well. So yeah, I'm like kind of actually moving a little bit away from design into the more like techie backend stuff. Go figure. That's awesome. And I love that VIP game idea. I love yeah, the concept. I do too. I just I'm nervous. I have like two little kids, so I'm nervous that I like I hope I could pull it off in a day, you know, I'm like, cause you just never know what's going to happen with them. But I'm going to try it. We'll see.  

What would you say to someone on the fence about joining WP Rockstar?

Oh, yeah. If you're on the fence, I mean, I say just do it. You really have nothing to lose, I guess. Like do the free coding challenge first, right, to see how you feel about it. And if you enjoy that, then I mean, there's really nothing to lose by signing up for GeekPack®. Like I said, it's worth way more than what Julia charges for it truly. And you just you get so much out of it besides just the coding and learning about WordPress and the backend, all the free themes that you get and then all of the expert content, it's just I mean, it's unbelievable. It's absolutely worth the investment.

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WP Rockstar is the ULTIMATE training for Website Building (a la WordPress) + Community + Business Badassery for The Next Generation of Geeks (even if you suck at math and tech, or think you’re too old)

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