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A New Way to Deal With Shiny Object Syndrome

When you hear the term "Shiny Object Syndrome," it probably doesn't evoke a positive reaction.

If you have a tendency to chase after exciting and new ideas, technologies, or projects rather than focusing on one task at a time, you may have a case of shiny object syndrome. For years, I fought that urge until I realized it doesn’t have to be a bad thing…

What if I told you that embracing Shiny Object Syndrome could actually be beneficial? 

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should always aimlessly embrace every next shiny object that comes your way... But I do have a few very good ways you can make shiny object syndrome work for you.

What is Shiny Object Syndrome?

Shiny Object Syndrome is essentially a form of distraction that occurs when people get attracted to something new and exciting—something that seems more appealing than what they are currently doing - like a bright object. 

In business, this often manifests as a thought pattern that makes you continually jump from one idea or project to another, without finishing any of them. This behavior can derail productivity and lead to a cycle of starting without completing, making it difficult to achieve long-term goals.

But the hidden potential value of it is the ability to foster innovation and creativity, driving you to explore uncharted territories and uncover new opportunities that others might overlook.

Why Shiny Object Syndrome Has a Bad Reputation

While Shiny Object Syndrome can be turned into a strength, it's important to recognize and avoid its common pitfalls. Understanding these challenges can help you navigate the distractions and make more intentional decisions.

Here are some of the most common issues:

1. Lack of Focus

One of the biggest pitfalls of Shiny Object Syndrome is the constant shift in focus. It's crucial to set clear priorities and stick to them, ensuring that important tasks are completed before moving on to the next new thing.

2. Waste of Resources

Time, money, and effort are valuable resources that can be easily wasted when you’re constantly chasing the latest new trend, new products, or new software.

This scattered approach can lead to inefficiency and missed opportunities. To avoid this, allocate your resources wisely and ensure that each new pursuit aligns with your main goal.

3. Stalled Progress

Continually starting new projects without seeing them through to completion can result in stalled progress.

This not only impacts your personal or business goals but can also lead to frustration and burnout. It’s important to finish what you start to see real progress and achieve your objectives.

4. Overwhelming Information

The influx of new technology can be overwhelming, leading to information overload. This can make it difficult to discern what’s worth pursuing and what’s merely a distraction.

To combat this, develop a strategy to evaluate new opportunities based on their potential value and relevance to your goals.

5. Unrealistic Expectations

Shiny Object Syndrome often comes with the allure of quick success or instant results. However, this can set unrealistic expectations and lead to disappointment when things don’t go as planned.

It's essential to maintain a realistic perspective and understand that real progress takes time and effort.

6. Neglecting Core Activities

Chasing after new and exciting ideas can sometimes mean neglecting your core activities and responsibilities. This can have a detrimental effect on your long-term goals and overall success. To prevent this, make sure to balance your pursuit of new opportunities with the maintenance of essential tasks and ongoing projects.

By recognizing and addressing these common pitfalls, you can better harness the positive aspects of Shiny Object Syndrome.

This allows you to explore new ideas and innovations while maintaining focus, efficiency, and progress toward your goals.

Flipping the Script: Why You Should Embrace Shiny Object Syndrome

Despite its negative connotations, Shiny Object Syndrome isn't all bad. In fact, when approached with the right mindset, it can become a superpower. 

Learning is Not Bad

Embrace your desire to learn.

Your love for learning is a fantastic trait. You are a lifelong learner, and that’s something to be proud of. Continuous learning is crucial, especially in the fast-paced world of technology.

Curiosity is an Asset

Turn your curiosity into your greatest asset.

Shiny Object Syndrome can be your superpower if you harness it correctly. It’s all about transforming your natural curiosity into something productive.

By staying updated with the latest trends and new technologies, you can bring innovative solutions to the table.

Addressing the Real Problem

We've asked our community of creative business owners about the biggest obstacle they face when starting or growing a business.

Almost 42% said, "I don't know where to start." If you feel this way, you're not alone. Many people find themselves on a perpetual learning train, feeling like they’re going in circles. 

To know where to start, it's sometimes helpful to know what your end goal is. Check out this post to learn more about goal setting strategy.

Intentional Learning

Not every new idea is a good idea. So you should focus on learning with a purpose. Don’t just acquire knowledge for the sake of it. 

Identify the problems you need to solve and learn what’s necessary to address those issues. This approach ensures that your learning is targeted and practical.

Master Relevant Skills

It’s not about becoming a jack-of-all-trades. Instead, focus on mastering different skills relevant to the industry and the businesses you want to help. 

As a lifelong learner, you’re well-suited for the tech world, which is always evolving. Embrace the need to keep up with new developments, or you risk being left behind.

How to Determine What to Learn

You might wonder how to decide what you should learn next. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as it depends on your goals and the people you want to work with, here’s a strategy to guide you:

  1. Identify the problems you want to solve.
  2. Determine the skills needed to solve those problems.
  3. Focus your learning on acquiring those skills.

By following this strategy, you ensure that your learning journey is both purposeful and effective.

Shiny Object Syndrome as a Superpower

Shiny Object Syndrome doesn’t have to be a weakness.

By embracing it with intentionality, you can turn it into a superpower. As you navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape, continuous learning becomes not just beneficial but essential.

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About the Author:
Some people look at the sky and see stars; others see constellations. Some people look at lines of code and see a website; Julia saw a path to empower women in building their dreams. As a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of location independence, Julia has taught over 3,600 women to say “YES” to any WordPress request, but not only that, “YES” to themselves, and “YES” to creating life on their own terms. Empowering women and seeing others succeed is the biggest motivator for Julia. And so, she created a program to teach others the skills that allowed her to take back control of her life and start living on her own terms.
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