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4 Tips to Find the Best and Most Affordable Coding Classes for Kids

Technology is nearly everywhere we look. From our robotic vacuum cleaners to the screens on our refrigerators, there is no shortage of technology invading our lifestyles. It’s only natural that parents now want their kids to be prepared for the technology-saturated world they will soon face on their own.

While previous generations like Baby Boomers and Gen X have struggled to get acquainted with technology because they once lived in a world where it was scarce, Gen Z and subsequent generations won’t know what life was like before technology.

So how can we best prepare our kids for a world full of technology? Give them a headstart on their understanding by teaching them to code! We only fear what we do not understand, and when kids have a full understanding of how computers work and how they can program them to work, they will be far better equipped to handle the world (and job market) of their future. And while there are endless ways to teach kids how to code, today we are looking at 4 quick tips you can use to find the best and most affordable coding classes for kids.

Tip #1 - Save Money with Self-Paced Apps and Programs

The days of overly complicated tech jargon are over! You don’t need a computer science degree to learn how to code, nor do you need thousands of dollars for tuition or years of experience as a computer programmer.

There is a wide variety of low-cost (or free!) apps and programs available for parents and kids to start learning to code today. And the best part is, most of these apps and programs are game-based, meaning your child will have a wonderful time building great memories of learning how to code.

Save the tuition money and the frustration of trying to find high-cost, one-on-one classes for your child.

Coding can be simple, fun, and enjoyable for all ages!

Tip #2 - Look for Testimonials

Whether you’re looking for online classes, in-person classes, self-paced classes, or anything in between, always look for great customer testimonials before you make a decision on which classes are right for your child.

Visit their website, their social media pages, and search for them on Google and YouTube to quickly find reviews and testimonials from other parents. Read through the comment sections of their social media posts to find any negative comments or experiences, as many people will reach out through a social media page to have their messages seen by the company.
Stick with the classes and schools that have mostly positive reviews before you pay any tuition fees. Even better, choose a class or school that offers you a free trial so you can try it out for yourself.

If you aren’t familiar with how your child learns best, a free trial or a program with a money back guarantee can be a great opportunity to find what might work or not work for your child without losing a large upfront investment. It also gives you time to ask questions, do your research, and determine what is right for you and your child.

Tip #3 - Be Confident in Your Ability to Code

While we may be focused on your child learning to code, don’t forget one of the most important aspects of your child’s education - YOU! Modeling your own ability to learn coding alongside your child can be a wonderful experience.

If you aren’t confident in your ability to learn how to code, find a supportive online community that can offer support, guidance, and encouragement for women in tech. If you find yourself wanting to pursue more knowledge after a while, consider joining an online learning community that is focused on all things coding.

As you begin to conquer your fears, make mistakes, learn, grow, and ultimately succeed, your child will be more encouraged in their own journey to code. Modeling by example is one of the most impactful ways to motivate your child in learning.

Tip #4 - Go Screen-Free

Not all learning has to be done in a classroom, or even behind a screen. If you’re on a smaller budget and can’t afford online or in-person classes for coding, consider board games and playsets designed to teach children the basics of computational thinking.

You don’t need an iPhone, a computer, or any special books. You can purchase a set like Learning Resources Botley the Coding Robot Activity Set for younger kids, or ThinkFun Hacker Cybersecurity Coding Game for older kids.

Playing games is a great way to introduce coding to kids without having to pay a big tuition bill or rearrange the family schedule for class times. They can still learn basic fundamental principles of coding while having fun.

Finding the best and most affordable coding classes for kids goes beyond looking for the right price - you also want to find the best educational experience for your child as they grow up and adapt to a world full of technology. By taking the pressure off of them and allowing them to learn in fun, exciting, and entertaining ways, you’re ensuring your children will love the future relationship they build with technology.

The GeekPack® Create & Code Camp Coding Class for Kids

If you want to unlock your children’s learning potential today, try the GeekPack® Create and Code Camp -- a fun way for kids to learn the creative magic of coding!

Watch your children’s confidence skyrocket as they take on a 5-day coding challenge, graphic design, and the foundational tools for mobile app development.

If your kids aren’t beaming with pride after creating & coding with the GeekPack® Create and Code Camp, or their confidence doesn’t skyrocket, or if they aren’t raving about the skills they’re learning within 14-days, we’ll issue you a full refund!

It is undeniable that technology will continue to expand and grow and fill our lives more and more as time goes on. By equipping kids with the coding languages, logical thinking, and visionary perspective to improve their lives, you’re giving them more than just an in-demand job skill -- you’re giving them the tools to create their future!

About the Author:
Some people look at the sky and see stars; others see constellations. Some people look at lines of code and see a website; Julia saw a path to empower women in building their dreams. As a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of location independence, Julia has taught over 3,600 women to say “YES” to any WordPress request, but not only that, “YES” to themselves, and “YES” to creating life on their own terms. Empowering women and seeing others succeed is the biggest motivator for Julia. And so, she created a program to teach others the skills that allowed her to take back control of her life and start living on her own terms.
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