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2 Fundamental Steps To Become A Successful Tech Virtual Assistant

The role of virtual assistants has changed significantly. 

Traditional Virtual Assistants (VAs) might excel in administrative tasks, but by leveraging technology to elevate their services Tech Virtual Assistants are the new power players. 

Now, if you are a generalist VA wanting to transition to a tech-savvy virtual assistant you are in the right place!

But first, let’s understand the main differences between a general virtual assistant and a tech virtual assistant.

Virtual Assistant x Tech Virtual Assistant

At a glance, a Virtual Assistant appears as the digital age’s multitasker, with a wide range of repetitive administrative tasks that keep the wheels of businesses turning smoothly. 

They are the organizers, the schedulers, and the email wranglers – the backbone of day-to-day operations. 

They’re responsible for managing tasks that, while essential, don’t typically require deep technical expertise.

On the flip side, a Tech Virtual Assistant is a whole different breed.

They don’t just know how to handle tech, but they have a strategic mindset and a deeper understanding of business. 

They understand the customer journey and know the key role that tech plays in making it all happen.

In essence, while VAs have been invaluable for their support in daily tasks, Tech VAs stand out by their contribution to strategic growth and customer journey optimization. 

Why Pivot To Tech? 

Because that's where the world is heading. As simple as that.

Virtual assistants have been life savers for online businesses for years now, but we can’t ignore that a lot of tasks that were happily handed to VAs can now be easily automated.

But don’t panic - that’s not necessarily bad news.

It just means that it is, once again, time to adapt.

Artificial Intelligence is here to help, and if you play your cards right, now is a wonderful opportunity to expand your business.

By transitioning from a General VA to a Tech VA, your skillset will become more specialized, your work more integral, and therefore, your services more in demand and better compensated. 

2 Fundamental Steps To Become A Successful Tech Virtual Assistant

When you become a Tech VA, you become the architect of digital experiences.

By interpreting data, and tech trends, you can forge a path that not only meets but anticipates customer expectations

It's about securing your position in a niche that's not just trendy, but vital to, honestly, any kind of business out there.

Now that you know why this is a smart move let’s move on to the steps!

Step 1: Embrace Learning, But Don’t Forget You Also Need To Make Money

As a lifelong learner, I know how easy it is to get stuck in the learning wheel.

And don’t get me wrong, learning is great! And to stay in the VA game, it’s absolutely necessary to keep learning.

But as every freelancer on earth, you also need to make money.

So the first step is to not be afraid to take on more tasks, even if you don’t feel 100% ready.

And I don’t mean promise your client you’ll solve all their problems overnight or take on a huge project straight away.

But if you can always go one step further than your comfort zone, you’ll already be making great progress!

To give you some ideas of things you can offer to clients, here are a few automations most of them would be happy to have!

  • Auto-responders for their social media messages
  • Send their Zoom recording directly to a Google Drive
  • Send every new customer a postcard
  • Send a survey to every new customer after x amount of time (great to get testimonials)

All of these actions listed above can be automated. 

And I promise, it’s NOT rocket science - you can absolutely learn this on the go.

Step 2: Listen To What Your Clients Are NOT Saying

This step is about listening actively to their problems and complaints. But not only that, it’s about figuring out what the real issue is and what they need to do to fix it.

So, for example…

Problem: They don’t have a budget for ads and they need customers to find them organically. 

Possible solutions:

» They need to work on their website SEO so they show up more on search.

» They need a strong social media strategy.

» They need more video content.

So the point is, you don’t wait for them to give you a list of tasks that they want you to perform. 

You listen to what they are saying, identify where the problem really is and YOU tell them what needs to be done to fix it.

And that’s what’s called STRATEGY.

This single word is what can set you apart from so many other freelancers out there.

It's more than hearing out clients; it's about deeply understanding their tech needs and how you can help them bridge these gaps.

Final Thoughts 

Basically, I want you to walk out of this with a LEARN AND DO mindset

The more you do, the more you learn - and that’s how you get into a healthy learning cycle and NOT stuck into a learning wheel, never feeling ready to take the next step.

Adding the word TECH in front of VA is not that difficult - and I’d love to show you how!

Grow a profitable business with The GeekPack Collective - a monthly membership where you'll learn the secret to being a booked out Tech VA, Tech Strategist or Marketing Maven.

By becoming a tech VA, you're stepping out of the feast-or-famine loop and into a world of financial stability and long-term retainer security. 

You CAN change your career path, you CAN take steps to make sure you are not only indispensable today but irreplaceable tomorrow.

About the Author:
Some people look at the sky and see stars; others see constellations. Some people look at lines of code and see a website; Julia saw a path to empower women in building their dreams. As a (former) military wife, self-taught web developer, and lover of location independence, Julia has taught over 3,600 women to say “YES” to any WordPress request, but not only that, “YES” to themselves, and “YES” to creating life on their own terms. Empowering women and seeing others succeed is the biggest motivator for Julia. And so, she created a program to teach others the skills that allowed her to take back control of her life and start living on her own terms.
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