Since the beginning of the exodus of millions of workers out of the office due to the global pandemic, it is undeniable that our workforce is changing. Depending on your personal beliefs and circumstances, this could be seen as a good thing or a bad thing. But despite our opinion of it, there is only one way to identify it: a revolution.
To revolutionize means “to change fundamentally or completely.” From the millions of mothers who are now missing from the workforce to TikTok resumes becoming the job networking platform of the future, today’s workforce is being revolutionized in many unexpected ways. Remote workers are now enjoying the amazing benefits of their new location freedom.
The first benefit of remote work is perhaps the greatest: Remote work is the work of the future, and you’re already at an advantage if you are location independent. Entrepreneur goes so far as to say “digital freelancing is the workforce of the future.” With the complexities and hardships of the global pandemic, many individual workers can no longer build their lives around their 9-to-5 office jobs. More flexibility is being demanded of employers to support their workforce, giving remote workers a heavy advantage.
A second benefit of remote work is the work-life balance many people -- especially mothers -- have struggled to achieve. Without the burden of being in an office or commuting back and forth to work, parents and caregivers are able to spend more of their time on the tasks and opportunities that matter to them. Workers with less daily stress typically make greater contributions in their work, which is why many employers now offer more flexibility, more health benefits, and better working environments to their employees.
A third benefit of remote work is the ability to work in silence and/or solitude. As much as 12% of US adults suffer with social anxiety disorder, which can be greatly exacerbated in the workplace. Having to work full-time in small environments with co-workers, bosses, and customers can be detrimental for anyone who struggles with social anxiety disorder. Remote work creates opportunities for many people who might not be able to work in an office environment.
Remote work also creates the freedom and space for people to work in the environment that most appeals to them. Not every person thrives at a desk, in a chair, or even in a building. For nature lovers, their best work might be produced in their backyard or in the middle of a wooded area. For introverts, their best work might be from the comfort of their own bedroom or chair in a quiet space. Others do their best work with music playing, or sitting in a coffee shop.
A fifth benefit of remote work is the ability to work anytime, anywhere, under any circumstances, including a global pandemic. With internet access and a computer, anyone has the ability to network, earn income, and even increase their earning potential with multiple clients or jobs. Without typical obstacles such as driving in bad weather or even being quarantined, workers are no longer limited to when they can work.
Another revolutionary benefit of remote work is the opportunity to create more diverse work teams. Team members can live in completely different countries, stretching across the globe, allowing a greater worldview than working only with locals. By widening our mindsets and collaborating with others from different walks of life, we are increasing our likelihood of learning much more about the world around us.
Lastly, remote work allows workers to save hundreds (or thousands) of dollars annually on expenses they no longer need. From gas to car maintenance to office wardrobes to lunches on the go, workers are stretching their paychecks much farther with location independence. With a much lower cost of living, the amount of money we think we need as an office worker isn’t the same amount we actually need as a remote worker.
As the current workforce continues to evolve and change with the global pandemic, it’s important to remember that it will not likely return to the workforce we knew pre-pandemic. Flexibility and digital work is a trend that is here to stay, and there is no better time than now to start shifting your own career path to align with the coming workforce revolution.
If you’re thinking about transitioning to remote work, join our FREE Facebook community, Screw the Commute and learn how to start (and grow) a successful online business with support from like-minded people!
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